Humanity Lobotomy (Read this, Srsly)

Mar 04, 2007 11:45

I don't usually do this sort of thing, but the internet as we know it is at stake.

No, really! (if you're not gonna read this, at least watch the video linked at the bottom, srsly)

You've probably seen the commercials about net neutrality. If you know anything about what net neutrality is you probably realize just how ridiculous this propaganda is. The powers that be, political and cooperate, want to abolish net neutrality.

If you don't know what that means it's the basic principle that if you pay to connect to the internet you can access and post any information you choose, for the same charge as anyone else. If this is no longer the case things like youtube and myspace can be a thing of the past. YOU will no longer be able to get your voice out there, or to view unpopular information.

The free exchange of information is what's defining us as a generation, it's what is changing the world, what HAS changed the world. Having a level playing field where everyone is equal, be they living in their mother's basement or a multi million dollar corporation makes this an incredible, word changing time to live in.

It's easy to think that at this point the internet is unstoppable, tons of information is already out there, but that's not true. Your service provided has their thumb on your neck. They can cut you off from uploading, downloading, or even viewing media, or charge your whatever they please for these services. And now that the political and corporate powers that be have realized just what's going on, they WILL try to control it.

So make a fuss about this, pass it on, let people know, friends, family, total strangers, news papers, congressmen, anyone and everyone. Don't let the internet be gutted a fight. Isn't free speech worth it?

Here's a fantastic video on the subject which is much clearer and useful than I can hope to be. so go watch it. Yes it's long for a generation of people used to 30 second clips of a cat doing something funny, but this is Important, and you'll feel smarter for being more educated about the issue.

net nutrality, activism, politics

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