Jan 11, 2007 09:59
haha! that's right suckers! i have returned but only for a brief moment! you all know how i am with this damn posting shit. i'm just really excited that i finally made it past the 200 lbs mark! i'm now 198lbs. and to celebrate, i stuffed my face! i was worried it would jump back up to 200 again this morning...but lo and behold i was still the amazing shrinking Kara! W00t! now i shall return to starving myself on salad and eggs. yummy!
d00ds, i need to learn from ya'll. i'm trying to get the balls to quit and get another job. i know, the same old story...i've been trying to quit since i got there. it's just getting lame though. there are four supervisors/managers...and i'm the only one working nights and i no longer get weekends off. that was a stipulation of being promoted....no more weekends. but, megan said she would get my fridays and saturdays off when vikki came back. vikki came back and SHE got fridays and saturdays off. *huff* i understand the entire logic and it really doesn't make me made that she got the days off....i just want them too! or something of that nature. bah. i don't know if being a bank teller would be much better. i would get evenings and weekends and random government holidays off. i just hope where-ever i get a new job at that the people are at least half as nice as the ones i work with now. it truly feels like family there. and that just might be my problem because i'm trying to substitute my real family for them. now we are getting too deep. give me words of encouragement and advice!
lates peeps! yo