Mar 06, 2006 11:15
Trouble with Goodbye
Spoilers: The first 2 eps of 5th season Alias.
Rating: G
Summary: Extension of the end.
Weiss stood in the hallway taking one last look around. He’d gotten the new guy settled and he’d finished packing up his desk.
It felt like the end of an era, and in a way, it was. Vaughn was dead. Nadia was still in the coma and even after he left, the APO would keep going as it was now. Moving on elsewhere felt right in one sense but in others it felt so wrong. Like he’d told Sydney, he didn’t want to leave everything hanging. Then again, staying didn’t feel all that right either. He was tired of the cloak and dagger. He wanted something more stable and more routine, as odd as that sounded to him. Working in D.C. would be bureaucratic, boring, and a desk job. Three things I used to hate and swear I’d never do. But heck, he might actually get a life after this… find a good woman, marry her, have kids. Besides, it was just steps away from the president… Less chance of accidently getting skewered as well.
Would he miss it? Yeah, at least parts of it. And leaving meant moving away from where he grew up, where his parents still lived. He’d miss seeing them some and his brother too for that matter.
He turned around and could see Sydney in the conference room talking to Jack and Dixon as they went over the recent developments. She stopped talking for a moment, looking over at him and he nodded at her before turning and walking out of the building.
eric weiss