(no subject)

Dec 31, 2010 11:15

Merry ALMOST New Year, Everybody!

The color quiz is REDUNDANT for me coz I already know what color I am. I'm a vivid and yet tasteful shade of pink(!).

Also, and this is tres excitment, now the ink is dry and the deal is done and no more need for OVERWHELMING SEKRECY - I'm now the owner of a small organic bakery. Sort of like the one in that really craptacular Catherine Heigl (or is it Katherine?) film with the guy who looks like a more white bread version of Timothy Olyphant (who is super hot) where they hate each other and the chick from Mad Men has a baby and then she DIES and then the people who hate each other have to raise the baby and Katherine/Catherine gets poo in her face? Like that. Except organic and not in a movie.

I'm pretty thrilled. XD
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