(no subject)

May 18, 2010 19:52

Well, obviously it feels to everyone like I had a major over reaction. I pretty much gauged that from the deadly silence - so -

I guess, too, that you're pretty much all right. Obvs.

Thanks, Topher, you fuck-face, asshole. You're not a douchebag, but you really are an asshole.

I know this felt like an over reaction to everyone who isn't me. But Topher lives online, that's all he does, is be on his computers and doing his computery thing. He doesn't go drink lattes or drive race cars or go to fashion week. He does his computers.

I talked to him every single day and then he was not there. Not on IM and not answering emails.

Obvs I totally overreacted and I'm a moron and he's an asshole. I'm a loser and he's an asshole.

I am not going to LA.

I'm taking my little muppets shopping for new clothes. Prada has the cutest childrens line for shoes and Little Marc Jacobs does the sweetest dresses to die for. Plus - swimwear! They both need new swimwear.

Then we'll have morning tea. Adhra likes babycino. The I'm dropping them home.

Then I'm going to go and get my tan done and my hair fixed and then I have my mani/pedi booked in. It's summer. Summer takes effort. I was waxed everywhere yesterday, it was pretty hardcore.

Anyway. Thanks, Topher, for making me look stupid. You're a great friend! <--- Sarcastic thanks.

Thanks Chloe/Justin. <-- Not sarcastic thanks.
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