(no subject)

Mar 12, 2010 14:32

AM BACK TO PRE-BABY WEIGHT. LIKE... 2007 PRE BABY WEIGHT. Yoga, baby. Yoga! And food combining. Seriously awesome combination.

I just realised I didn't do the Lorna meme this month.

I seriously do not know what happened to me - I just always feel about six weeks behind in everything - like last week I couldn't remember where I parked my car, and I was looking for it where I'd parked it a week ago and seriously it was so fucked! And I was all in my yoga stuff and my yoga place has no parking (but it's SO good - totally spiritual and everything, right?). Was ridiculous and I had these paps following me (I guess it was a slow scandal week - but then everything happened with poor Mike and Bruce Wayne's girlfriend threw soup at his head or something and everyone had better things to worry about than how I couldn't find my car) saying stupid things coz they do that to make you look at them to get a good shot (though some of them say nice things like - "I like your hair, Kara!" which is nice to hear and stuff, right? I've gone a bit lighter - which I said I'd never do but I totally have and I got this cool fringe and it DOES look really cool - I was worried it was a bit JH from GG but I think it's super cool...) and finally I was just like URGH, I so can't find my car... and I had to like call Harry and whatever - it was pretty funny, I guess...??? He wasn't at work so he came and got me anyway and we drove around till I found my car and I was so like: Oh, YEAH! I so did park it there coz last time I parked in the OTHER place I got so much bird crap on it! Hee hee. XD

Anyway. My song this month was My Chemical Romance - Black Parade. :)

Cannot be bothered googling lyrics.
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