Хороший паранормал

Oct 21, 2011 12:57

Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison (Elder Races #1)

Half-human and half-wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful-and passionate-of the Elder races.

Офигительная книга! Мне не часто нравятся паранормальные романы, но вот этот я просто проглотила, мне понравилось в нём всё.
Не тупит, искры между ними так и сыпятся, у обоих замечательное чувство юмора, и оба умеют признавать свои ошибки и вести себя друг с другом нормально, а не как ослы.
Построение мира.
Очень оригинальное. Все паранормальные существа - виры, фэ, вампиры и прочие - живут в открытом, хоть и не лёгком сосуществовании с людьми вот уже века. Сам Драгос - хоть и дракон, принадлежит к Вирам, к которым относятся все крылатые существа. Его лейтенанты, например, состоят из гриффона, гарпии, буревестника и гаргульи.
Такое же быстрое как и в городском фэнтэзи. Никто не медлит, разбираясь в чувствах, а выживает от ЧП к ЧП. Всё бодренько и с юмором.

В общем, читать обязательно!



I'm sorry, the message said.
The theft was a violation of privacy. It was a unbelievable act of impudence and disrespect. Not only that, it was - baffling. he was murderous, incandescent with fury. He was older than sin and could not remember when he had last been in such rage.
He looked at the paper again.
I'm sorry I had to take your penny. Here's another to replace it.
Yep, that's what it said.
One corner of his mouth twitched. He gave himself a deep shock when he burst into an explosive guffaw.

"All I took was a freaking penny. Besides I already gave you another one."
"You took a 1962 penny," Dragos said. His teeth were gritted. "You left a 1975 penny. It's no replacement."
She stared at him. "Oh my God, it's scary you noticed that."
"I know everything in my hoard and exactly where it is," he told her. "Down to the smallest piece."
"You could go to the doctor got checked out for OCD," she panted. "There might be medication for that."

паранормальный роман, 10/10, thea harrison

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