Taking a look at this article about yet another what it seems a "suicide bomb" happening here in our country. Everyday it happens, just because it's not on the news doesn't mean it's not happening here! To take away a persons life. Do you know what that means? I couldn't imagine what it's like. If there is a God, have mercy on their souls. Where do these people come from? Ill never understand the need for violence, and chaos and terror. Fear is the only focus I see that hides underneath these acts of enlightenment it seems people enjoy from lifting a gun and ending a life. Ignorance comes into mind as well. To think people don't go through the same kind of pain and suffering as they do. Ignorance to think that killing someone is going to end the suffering that those people will understand why you did what you did, i'm sure they don't care. Fear, Ignorance and senseless. Senseless to have no moral, or respect, or decency to carry a long, no sign of awareness and generosity aloof. Where is the love? This society claims to be uniting in ways that will make America a great place, sorry but not a WOMAN, A CELEBRITY, ANY ETHNIC BACKGROUND.. will bring peace in this world, it starts with every single individual of this earth. A government that promotes violence will always linger violence in their breathe, that's our society now, that's our culture. to be the best. If someone isn't heard, which no one is anymore, than the violence begins, the killings begin. People do have a voice, people want to be listened to, no one is here to listen to them and their stories and their pain and their opinions. I'm not proud of this society anymore, it's gone. No one wants to help anyone, fingers are always pointing, voices are getting louder and louder, to screams and shouts. Lives have to end to get a point across, what kind of Alligiance under-minds the people who created it.