Ugh, working on the Atlantis story :) I wrote one rough draft, and realized it wasn't really Atlantis at all, but pretty much Anywhere, instead. Not good. So, I've been working very hard on an *Atlantis* story, which is not actually a happy state for me. I feel like I'm out on a stage, tap dancing as hard as I can, there's floodlights in my eyes, and the great "they're," who I can't see at all, are not liking my moves at all. I've always fought with this, and I'm so tired of it, but it niggles, you know?
This said, I'm working to keep my mind calm and positive, and that I can do this, that it's not beyond me at all.
j_cheney , wrote a lovely post this morning that really makes you think, regarding the things we face, how we put ourselves out there, work ethic (at first, I misspelled to 'work thick,' cute!), all sorts of things *and* a Diet Coke, heh!
I love watching The Biggest Loser, which is a "reality" show/contest thingy for people who are unhealthy to gain health by learning about food, exercise, and--and this is the one I want to talk about--changing their self-talk.
You can see these people, when they first start the show, and how hemmed in by, "I can't" they are. It doesn't matter what it is, either, just, "I can't____" fill in the blank. After about three weeks, when the "I can's" start, that transformation, that joy, that *relief,* well, you can see how they're letting go of whatever it was they always believed. I think that's what I'm trying to do.
Hey, thanks to
talea_st_amour for her input on a story! Awesome, and I did use my more gentle way of just making a printout of my story, and going through with her comments on the screen and pen them in. She helped add that extra polish, which I really appreciate :)