i'm using PaintShop Pro 9 i don't know if it will translate or not
1. New Adjustment Layer Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Reds: Saturation +24
2.New Adjustment Layer Levels
RGB: 36 1.19 255
Red: 73 1.22 255
Green: 25 1.39 255
Blue: 30 1.89 255
set to Multiply
3. Duplicate base. bring to top. set to screen.
4. Still on the screen layer go to Adjust>Hue and Saturation> Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Master: Sat +6
Reds: Sat +24
Yellows: Sat +56
Greens: Sat+57
Cyans: Sat+54
Blues: Sat+57
Magentas: Sat+48
5. New Adjustment Layer Color Balance
Midtones:36, -15, 33
Preserve Luminance checked
6. New Adjustment Layer Hue/Saturation/Lightness
and you're done!! you might have to mess with the settings a little for your image which is the nice thing about adjustment layers you can change the setting anytime.
well any questions just ask!
if ya use this i'd love to see what you come up with!!