my first tutorial

May 19, 2006 23:12


first i want to say that this doesn't come out the same with every image. sometimes you have to change it a little to get what you want. this tutorial is very simple and anyone with paintshop or photoshop can do. i will try and explain as simple as possible so even if you are just a beginner you can do this.

1. take your base and crop it 100x100 or whatever size you are using

2. duplicate your base 1 time

3. set the duplicated layer to screen opacity 50%

4. i use paintshop so if you use photoshop it may not be exactly the same place but i know photoshop can do this.  
    so still on your duplicated layer you go to Adjust>>Hue and Saturation>>Hue/Saturation/Lightness and keep everything 0 execpt the saturation bring it up to 40

5. repeat step 4 (some images don't need this step and some need this step multiple times it just depends on the image. for the image in the example i had to repeat it 2 times most i only repeat once though)

6. sharpen the duplicated layer 2 times

7. merge layers and your done!

you can mess around with this and find what works best with the image you are using. 
i tried using the same image and put it at screen 100, only repeated once, only sharpened once and it came out like this....
 as you can see it's a little it just depends what you are trying to achieve.

hopefully this helped if you have any questions feel free to ask

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