
Mar 21, 2004 17:37

hayy ..well today was pretti kick ass first me and kay went to church it was fun fun..and it was so funni when tracey and doug picked us up she had bought us this box of lil munchikens there were lky 52 of them and we ate them all and got sick latey lol..and then we decide were gunna go to bush animal santcuary but it ended up beeing closed..and then i ended up showing kay the doggie day care.. my bro's place...then we just decide we were gunna go to the skate park to see what was going on there but it doesnt up till 12...so thats when we finally decide to go bowling with derick ..IT WAS SO MUCH fun lol... the first gayme i was doing pretti well but then the second gayme i kept gettin alot of gutter balls!! but then  i did my special bowling ball dance and got a STRIKE o ya! lol and then me and derick tried this dance gayme thingy and we sucked azz at it so then we just tried dancing lky the ppl on it lol it was so funni..and the bowling alley has the BEST CURLEY FRIES EVERY! i <3 curley fries lol..it was kickass!  Then we went to the mall and looked around and then went to the sweet factory  and got some candy muhaha..on the way home we had the greatest convo ever about how dericks grandma said that when he was young he had lky the most wicked gas ever lol o ya and how about I WANT THAT 6 AND 1/4 THING BACK LOL!! hahaha and then when i came home i went food shopping with my dad it was funn..and i am so convinced i have lky no reason to live ..life is so fukkin screwed up..sometymes i wish i would only become sick and die or just straight out die..i just get life and i hate the obstacles in life .. and i keep listening 2 this one of a song it goes lky this: and it hurts me so bad to deny it...these feelings are out of control..do u kno what it's lky to want something so bad and then having to let it go..and it hurts me to  know that this tyme in our lives will so soon be in the past..and its better then playing  it cool..never knowing what we should have been...but i love the chorus part cuz it's lky who should i be to make u love me...tell me what does it mean to be alone..cant u see me standing staring frum a distance...hear my cry if u'd only listen..life rite now has me wandering if im even good enough.. u know..but i think life is fukked up..last night i had a bad dream that i kept seeing this kid i lkyed and everytyme i when i tried to go and say hay hi to him he would disppear and it kept running through my mad go figures i dont have a chance..and im just not good enough ..u kno i just kept thinking about it today it was driving my mad and i wanted to talk 2 kay about it but derick was there..but im home chillin so ya mayb i'll write back letter..love always kar* <333333

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