Dec 01, 2004 07:49
but then he didn't even call yesterday.
i was home at 500, waiting for him to call. yesterday i was told he'd get out of work at 4.
at around 520 kristen calls, asks me whats up?, wheres mike?. i say i dunno so she invites me over. i drop pats stuff off at his house for him, he says mike went to work late and will be out prolly between 6 and 9. but he didnt even call to tell me that.
i told my mom that if anyone called to tell them i was at kristens, so if he called he'd know. at 830ish, he calls kristens. bill is talking and then he says, "hey, i've got ur woman here shes been lokking for you all day." He didnt even call looking for me, he didnt even talk to me. bill says "he said he worked late, he got out at 8" he didnt even tell bill to tell me that he loved me or anything. and he was with kelsy and lindsay. i dont really know who this lindsay is but i hear he works with her, and hes been trying to invite her to a lot of parties recently. if shes who i think she is though, she's a lesbian. he was supposed to stop over with them but kristen and bill got in a fiht and bill called and told them not to bother showing up.
i got home at 9. i checked with my parents and he never even called my house. so i call up mia crying. she was pissed at pat too. i told kristen, pat, and mia to tell him to call me if they saw him at any point last night, no matter what time it was. but i never got any call.
he said yesterday that he wanted to see me today and that we could do something together. but it was just another fucking empty promise, i guess.