Since the semester ended last week, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from hovering over the laptop 24/7. Ok, I’ve also been playing Red Dead Redemption. \m/
The ninja is still developing. He usually likes to sit scrunched up on one side or the other like a mini-Buddha, but he sat all day yesterday with his feet sticking out, so I was looking particularly humongous. Of course, it could have been his butt sticking out. Or his head. It’s hard to tell. All I know is that the belly was all lopsided until I finally lay down and went to bed. He also likes to bounce around, mostly in the evening when I put my feet up, but lately he’s also been bouncy in the morning when we wake up. And in the afternoon after I dump lunch on his head, and when I have my tea, and when we ride in the car, and... Kid’s not even born yet and he’s already all ADD like his mom and dad.
We’re still getting the ninja room ready, but it’s coming together. We still have to get a big crib for him, and wash/organize all his stuff, and I’d like to do a little paint touch-up in the room and clean the whole house, but other than that, if he’s born tomorrow (eek!), all we’ll really *need* to do is buy a case of diapers and do a massive load of laundry.
I’m almost done with work (June 11, and it can’t come too soon), and I’m officially done with school until next spring.. I’m not sure what my grades are this semester, but I got a 90 on my final for Interaction Design, so maybe it won’t be as bad as I think. If I’d known my head would be so screwy, I would have taken off this semester, too, but there’s nothing I can do about that now. :\
In other things,
thefreak found this list of traumatizing children’s movies:
11 More Incredibly Disturbing Moments in Kids Movies Somewhere, some sick fucker thought these would be good movies for children.. and holy crap wharrrrgbl Return to Oz. I remember seeing that one in the theater, and I’m sure my mom didn’t think it would be as dark and messed up as it was. I’d forgotten that it started in a mental hospital (!!), and ok, the Wheelers were pretty scary, but the lady that had a closet full of heads was nightmare fuel for weeks.
Click to view
And somehow I managed to block Artax and the Swamp of Sadness out of my mind. *bawling*
Honorable mentions that weren’t on the list:
ET, which I saw in the theater, and liked up until right near the end when the government people show up and Elliot and ET were both really sick. *tears* I have a vague memory of turning around in my seat so I wouldn’t have to see it and not turning back around until the credits.
The Last Unicorn: We watched this in first grade when we had a sub, and the Red Bull scared the pants off of me.
Velveteen Rabbit: According to IMDB, this got made into a video a few times, and I don’t remember which one I saw as a kid. Still, the gist of the story is: Boy loves his stuffed bunny. Boy gets really sick and bunny stays with him the whole time. Boy gets better, but the bunny gets burned with the rest of the infected toys in the playroom, and the boy goes away and gets a new bunny.
I’m not kidding. Anything else that deserves mention? What "children's" movies scar(r)ed you for life? ;)