ninja appointment, part 2

Apr 29, 2010 12:50

"Hi, this is Kar3n.. I took a blood test when I came in on Tuesday, and I forgot to ask on my way out about when the results would be ready."

"Sure, I'll get Danielle to call you back--"

"Blum?  Yeah, how about no.  That's who my appointment was with, and she's an idiot.  Don't have her call me.  Is there anyone else that I can talk with today?"

I'm not sure if it's amusing or disturbing that the receptionist seemed utterly unfazed when I told her this, but apparently Dr. Tsui should be giving me a call later to talk about my results.  :P

edit:  Just heard back from the doctor's office, and the glucose screening is all good.  w00t!

doc, version 2.0

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