(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 21:05

So I was sitting down to eat, and figured I'd watch the Olympics. I clicked over to NBC's streaming site, and hot-damn, it looks like I can see replays of all the cool (heh) stuff that happened today and yesterday.

Oops. I had to download a special player to view the video. Fine. But next, I had to confirm the information from my cable account. What? I don't have cable. If I had cable, why would I be trying to watch from my computer?

I don't mind downloading extra software. I don't even mind if I have to watch it with commercials. But because I choose not to buy something that I don't use 99% of the time, and don't need to use to view video online, I'm ass-out of luck.

The only thing I can watch is two-minute long "highlight" clips, which consist of the camera feed with the chyron (sometimes), and literally nothing else. No announcers, no sound, no edits-- just the raw camera feed.

Go suck it, NBC. This is why people pirate stuff.
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In other news, the ninja does not appreciate Trader Joe's frozen red pepper pasta. *oof* Bad ninja. Bad, bad ninja.
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