(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 12:55

I need to not listen to the news. We finally passed the health care bill, and all the senators are falling all over themselves to claim credit for it. They're calling it reform, even though most of the actual reform is gutted, and make no mistake, it's the best thing EVAR!!!1!

Grrrah! What a crock. They're keeping the mandate, but not going to include a public option, which forces people to buy insurance from the same companies that are already screwing them over. That's some really great "reform", guys.

"You have to buy a car."
"But I can't afford a car."
"Ford, Toyota and GM have some great deals."
"But those are still really expensive. And even the cheapest ones on the lot are pretty crap."
"But the prices will be regulated!"
"Not for a few years. And you're making me buy a car now."

But there's nothing the private sector can't fix, right? I get to argue with Blue Shield about every prescription my doctor writes, because they refuse to pay for anything that's not generic. I'm currently jumping thourgh a bunch of paperwork hoops so that I can see the OB I want, which will delay my prenatal visits by several weeks. By the time I get to see them, my actual doctors are swell, but the giant bureaucracy that is private insurance can go fuck itself with a rusty spork.

[On the other hand, my grandparents both have Medicare, and I have NEVER heard them complain about not getting the medicine they need, or not being able to see their doctor. How about using that as a model?]
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