make it so.

May 08, 2009 15:07

First off, I’m a TNG woman. I <3 Picard. But I sat throught the new Star Trek with a big stupid grin for two hours, and I would cheerfully go see it again.

The casting and the performances were absolutely spot-on. It’s got to be tough to step in to the roles that the original cast made iconic, but the new group does a great job. I was really impressed with Chris Pine, who anchored the story, and gets Kirk exactly right. It’s a tough role, a combination of bravado/genius/ladies man/Shatner - and it would have been easy for him to come off as a total douche, or a guy doing a Shatner impersonation, but he gets the character right while still making him likable. (Coming from a Picard fan, that’s no small thing. :P)

The whole cast was quite good, and it helps that they had a good script to work with. And by “good script,” I don’t mean “a whole lot of technobabble.” The story is straightforward, so if you’re expecting LOST’s “ohmygodwhatthehellmindf0rk,” you might be disappointed. But probably not, since Abrams lets the conflicts between the characters be his main focus.

And holy crap, an exciting action sequence in a Trek movie. The first fifteen minutes is quite the nailbiter, and by the time the main title rolled, I was absolutely stoked that there was another two hours left.

Memo to George Lucas: That’s how you do a prequel. Live long and prosper, Star Wars nerds.

movies, cool stuff

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