Republican group accidentally confirms stereotypes about Republicans.

Oct 21, 2008 12:21

The Obama food stamp brouhaha makes it to CNN. W00t!

(In a nutshell.. last week, the Press-Enterprise ran a story about a local Republican women's group who put a "cartoon" of Barack Obama on a food stamp in their newsletter. The rest of the club didn't think it was very funny. The black members of the Republican club, and the actual Republican party really didn't think it was funny. The president, Diane Fedele, has been getting her ass kicked in the local news. HAHAHA.)

My favorite bit is the CNN reporter trying to get a statement from the woman's husband. (Unsurprisingly, Diane herself isn't taking questions.) When the man doesn't acknowledge that the flyer was racist, the reporter reminds him that fried chicken and watermelon are black stereotypes.

His reply? "Really? Who says that? You?"

Well, dingbat, black people would say that. Also, most people with brains. People that have ever browsed through a history book. A few members of your own damn club, who are black, have working brains and have read books can confirm that yes, putting a black man on a food stamp surrounded by fried chicken, ribs and watermelon is straight-up racist.

In the one interview she did give before this whole thing blew up in her face, the club's president, Diane Fedele had this to say:

Fedele said the mailer merely parodied the statements Obama made during a debate last summer and wasn't racist.

"If I was racist, I would have looked at it through racist eyes," she said. "I am not racist, which is why it probably didn't register."

Ah! The Colbert defense! Well, that makes it all better. No wait, that's a comedy show.

Club member Kristina Sandoval agreed.

"None of us are racists," she said.

The use of watermelon, ribs and fried chicken was innocent, she said.

"Everyone eats those foods, it's not a racial thing."

Yeah right. If your idiotic flyer had a photo of Obama enjoying a tasty lunch at KFC, that's one thing. But you idiots put it on a *food stamp*. With watermelon, for Christ's sake.

I'm just typing about this, because I do love it when stereotypes backfire. And it warms the cockles of my black black (african-american?) heart to see these douches being called out on their racism. Hopefully people are getting less tolerant of this kind of bullshit. :)
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