i know, i'm a luddite.

Jul 23, 2008 18:46

Cool! I finally added an extension to Firefox that manages my RSS feeds a hell of a lot better than LJ. LJ is great for journal'ing, but it really sucks as a RSS reader.

First, it's hard to find the syndication page in LJ. There's no link available from the home page, and I've only found it by digging through the help menus. Every time I need to add or update a feed. Ugh. It also doesn't display the "thing" that's being syndicated. I still have to click the link from my friends page to go to the content, and while it's nice to have everything in one place, I might as well just surf over there and save the trouble. It doesn't tell me if I've missed something, either. Pain. In. The. Butt.

Which is now solved!

Now, if only I could get the "Tales of the Extraordinary" RSS to work... ;)

geek, lj

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