(no subject)

Feb 27, 2008 01:09

I was sitting on the bike at the gym tonight, where I'm a captive audience, and one of the TV's over the working bike was on MTV.  Oof.  Some show called "Next".  From what I could make out with no sound,
  • We interview a college dude.
  • Man, this guy is dumb as a box of hair.  Nice abs, though.
  • Then we send some bimbo out from a bus.
  • They have a "date". 
  • Today's "dates" included a bikini contest, baton twirling in a bikini, and eating pineapple in a bikini.
  • If at any time, said bimbo is not to his liking, he gets to say "Next!" and dismiss her.
  • That's right.. it's all about making the guy happy.  Grrrrrr.
  • Twit #2 comes out.  Process repeats until bus is empty.
I'm not sure what the object of the game is, but  I think I got dumber watching that.  But then I started thinking.. how could I fuck with this formula?   Somehow pack the bus full of feminists to ditch the guy before he ditches them?  Have a few of the girls be "girls"?  Make all the ladies-- um-- "differently"-- beautiful and leave the guy with an empty bus and no cookie-cutter babes?

I notice they may be having a casting call...  muahahahaha... >:)

feminist rant

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