well, at least the RIAA will be happy.

Dec 07, 2006 02:32

An ode to Maxtor-40.

My trusty digital friend, your 40 gigabytes of storage carried my data through several upgrades, and several boyfriends. You held my data securely in your silicon vaults, and asked only an occasional defrag and that I pick the spyware out of your bits. We used to surf the Web together, listen to music, crunch pixels, and although you had been recently downgraded from C:\ to D:\ and assigned to "mp3_storage" in your golden years, I can still recall how we used to leap across the Internet before your demise tonight in a flurry of bleeps, finally ascending to that great bitheap in the sky.

Taking my entire music collection with you.

You rotten fucking son of a syphilitic Republican crackhead.

Though BitTorrent will replace my tunes, there is now an empty slot in the CPU tower that is my heart. *sniff*

geek, horror, angry muppet

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