(no subject)

Aug 05, 2006 12:33

Dear Jimmy Choo,

So I was browsing through a fashion magazine and stumbled on this ad of yours. In a whole magazine full of anorexia and overpriced makeup and awesome clothes I can't afford, it was your ad that made me stop in my tracks. In all seriousness, what the fuck were you thinking?

If I'm reading this right, your ad is a photo of a woman, presumably dead, stuffed in a trunk, getting buried in the desert. Oh-- and wearing some nice shoes, too. I repeat, what the fuck are you thinking? Is your advertising team so out of touch that they think killing women is edgy?

Also, as your target audience (young, female, shoe-wearing) I'm perplexed by the message I'm supposed to get from this. Buying your shoes is supposed to make me feel like I'm getting away with murder? Buying your shoes will get me murdered? Do I identify with the dead woman? Or the guy with the shovel?

See, your ad confuses and sickens me. Don't get me wrong, the shoes are pretty rad. Actually, the shoes are the only thing in this sick little tableau that's worth looking at. But I'm not about to kill someone, dump her body in my trunk and go out to the desert to bury her to get a pair, even if it is the only way I could afford them.

Seriously, you can do better than that.


(x-posted to adbusters)

grrl, rant, aesthetics, letters, feminist rant

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