May 30, 2005 18:05
ok, well last night i got a call from the waterslides saying, "thanks for trying but your too young and inexperianced, try again next year", so i was like w/e, but then i hear that my friend got hired instead of me, same age, but with even less experiance, so WTF!?! can people not tell me the real reson i wasnt hired or not, did i say somthing to offend someone, did my interview suck, what was it? Argh, people make me sooooooo mad, i swear one day im goin to snap and become one of those crazed mass murderors on T.V. with my AK47 and my sticks of TNT. now i gotta try somewhere else where i can get a cooler job, like maybe save-on foods, or some other place like that. w/e, im too pissed off to keep writing. later everyone.