So, I must admit that I haven't thought about Live Journal in quite a while. However, I was just watching Kate Bush and Tears for Fears videos on You Tube, and saw
Which, if you scroll down, and read some of the comments, you will find a nerd fight ! I haven't really seen one in a while, and it reminded me of being in high school and picking fights with other goth kids on the internet.
It especially reminded me of when I was about 17, and got into a comment war with some 26 year old broad on Live Journal, my usual arena for such tomfoolery. I remember not what the debate was about--I probably, like, called her or someone she knew 'gay', or SOMEthing--but I particularly remember being vehemently enraged by her quoting Depeche Mode lyrics* at me.
So, yeah. Nerd fights.
Hi, Millie.
*People are People ! How trite !