Aug 13, 2004 10:18
I have a confession. I have never admitted it before, but...i'm in love. with....nicole. phew that feels better. i just love the way she makes those funny facial expressions. and her hot ass. and her flippy hair - it just makes me wild with burning passion. i like how she makes up funny catch phrases that i like to steal. everytime she says "i'm not gonna lie to you" i just get all hot and bothered. i love how she always talks like she's been high. and i love how she carries my crap around school. i love how she wears her backpack down to her feet. i love how shes always taking pictures of her eyes. i love how everything she wears comes from abercrombie and fitch or hollister...cuz shes rich like that. i love stealing her shoes. but, nicole, i just wanna say how sorry i am that i ever ditched you for other people. like...ryan salisbury, pravin, vikas, jon silverman, karen k., karen s., debbie, sasha, edith, jen, keith timko, emo joe, connie, xene, any person ever to be enrolled in AP history with bryer, lucas, wendel, richard, marion abrahams, monica, jess liu, roxanne, dina, nicole licato, susan, anyone whos jewish, actually anyone who has ever been born. anyway, the only reason i would ditch you is so i could walk behind you and watch your jiggly booty. daaayyyymmmmm...... wait where was i? oh anyway i'm sorry. and also, the reason i would always steal your catch phrases is because i liked feeling the words that you made up slip off my honey...i suppose by stealing your words, i could have a part of you that would be with me always. because you are always in my heart, nicole. i remember the first time i laid eyes on was at the beginning of freshman year, at field hockey practice. you looked so hot with that stick. i understand that we dont exactly make an ideal couple...being that i'm the antichrist and you are, well, christ. but all that matters is that we have eachother. Oh, and by the way, if you dont love me back...well, i'll have to kill you.
katherine yang