Aug 16, 2011 12:12

odjgfisdhgjnnmnfgadgafsagda!!! Soooo...I have to build new soundboards for the rest of the season of Prime. Which is a total PAIIIINNN but oh well maybe I can fit Bots/Cons on it together that way it won't be as small because I planned on building a new one for season 2 anyhow. I'm not too upset about that cause I can whip that out in about two-three days. I still have to capture sound-bytes from the two newest episodes anyhow.

What I am totally hdfiasfsafjasfsa over is my USB Hub on my mofo cheap Toshiba model. They went out earlier this year and I had to get them replaced. Really Toshiba I love you but it shouldn't have happened a second time! I got one of the USB ports to work, the one that has my wireless mouse in it but I am wary to touch it. The other one doesn't appear to be working at the moment and I need it for my tablet! I have like 45436543534 art trades on Deviantart to do and I wanted to do more Prime ponies, mostly finish Soundwave, Fowler and 'Steve' the Eradicon!!!

So hopefully I get that all worked out soon xDD Other then that I have my first shift at Blockbuster tonight so YEEEAAAH : 3

Oh yeah and the Prime exchange sign ups end tonight so if you haven't signed up yet go do that now!


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