Well if I already triggered the Apocalypse then this must be....

Aug 12, 2011 01:11

 ...I dunno xD A second Apocalypse or perhaps the aftermath. So fellow zombies I wrote more! xD I didn't even remember writing this until a few days ago. I really need to start titling my documents with names that help me reveal it's contents not stupid junk like "dhfihasjfasfdas" and "chu" and "banana" I mean WTF. Come on me...use your brain!

Title: *Untitled unless someone can think of a title*
Rating: G, hahaha fluffiness
Fandom: Transformers Prime
Characters/Pairings: Bulkhead/Arcee, Miko is there briefly at the beginning.
Summary: Bulkhead's noticed that Arcee has been acting strangely lately. Worried that something is wrong with his friend Bulkhead goes to confront her about it.
Misc: Also, I have no idea if there is a sparring room at the base but there is in this story so YES. xD

Bulkhead walked around the base with Miko bobbing on his shoulder. He looked like he was deep in thought, which for Bulkhead wasn’t exactly a normal occurrence. Miko was yammering on about a rock concert she’d watched on television earlier that day but she quickly noticed her Autobot partner wasn’t paying attention to her. “Bulk! Have you heard a word I’ve said? HELLO!? Why are we walking around in circles anyways? What gives?!”

“Huh?” Bulkhead craned his neck to look at her. He halted abruptly and gently placed Miko down on the floor before him. “Sorry Miko, heh, I’ve just got some things on my mind. Why don’t you see what Raf and Bee are doing? I need to go talk to…someone.”

Miko crossed her arms over her chest and gave Bulkhead a strange look. “Who? What are you thinking about?! Come on Bulk! Tell me!” Her eyes grew big with anticipation.

Bulkhead let out a soft sigh. “Enh later Miko, now go on…” he gently gave Miko a little nudge. “Go on I’ll be back soon.” It took some more gentle prodding and pleading before Bulkhead was certain Miko was on her way. Once she was out of sight he turned his attention to his target. Arcee.

Usually Bulkhead didn’t think of the femme quite this much it was her recent odd behavior that had been constantly on his mind. Arcee was well…Arcee. A femme full of gumption who wasn’t afraid of you or anything you could bring to the battle. Bulkhead was used to her tiny jabs at him and he certainly knew when to not pick a fight with her. Though lately she seemed wishy washy, not herself. One moment she was offering to help and the next she was ranting about his clumsiness. Digging out all of his flaws. It wasn’t his fault he was bigger then other bots. That was how he was built. It seemed like she was being unusually harsh. Almost intentionally. Bulkhead was more concerned then upset. He didn‘t want to believe the femme would be nasty on purpose. Something must be up with her. Maybe he could help?

“Hey ‘Cee? You aren’t busy are you?” Bulkhead poked his helm into the sparring room. He smiled as he saw Arcees slim form rise from a fighting stance.

Her optics shifted towards him. “Bulkhead?” Arcee stretched her frame out and placed a hand on her hip. “What is it?”

The larger mech stepped in and sighed gently. “Nothing really, just wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?” Bulkhead wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say but he’d hoped Arcee would understand. The last thing he needed was to feel a femmes fury.

Arcee shrugged. “Yeah alright, you can talk, I’ll punch.”

“Enh…wait what?” Bulkhead gave her a confused look.

“The dummy Bulkhead, not you…” Arcee rolled her optics and started practicing.

“Right…. “ Bulkhead paused for a moment trying to choose his words carefully. “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright with you.”

Arcee delivered a mighty kick to the dummy and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Why do you ask Bulkhead?” She turned and kicked with her other leg, letting out a small grunt on impact.

“Just wondering… actually I was a little worried. You’ve been acting a little strange. Not that it’s really obvious ‘Cee, it’s just…one moment your on the offense and then you’re on the defense. Got that? I, didn‘t do something did I? If I did…I don‘t know what.” Bulkhead lifted his helm to look over at her.

“Bulk…” Arcee stared at her reflection in the dummies metal. Her optics shifted in thought. “You didn’t do anything. Now stop worrying.” The femme spoke softly. She narrowed her optics and lifted her fist to deliver one final blown to her false opponent.

“You sure? ‘Cause I tripped the other day and you told me that I was going to pull the moon down with me.” Bulkhead gave her a neutral look.

“Enh…I said that? Ya sure?” Arcee straightened her stance and turned slowly to face him. “I didn’t mean it. It was a joke. You know I joke Bulkhead. Come on, I never took you for a bot who got their feelings hurt so easily. You are a Wrecker, aren‘t you?”

“This isn’t about me Arcee it’s about you.” Bulkhead rubbed the back of his helm. Maybe he wasn’t being as clear as he thought he was being.

“Me? What about me Bulkhead?” Arcee walked up to him and crossed her arms. She gave him an irritated look. “I’m fine. Now let me finish training. ”

“Come on something’s wrong I just know it! Can‘t you tell me?” Bulkhead curved his optics sadly. He frowned and placed his hands at his side refusing to look away from Arcee.

Arcee groaned lowly. “Enh, ok fine Bulk! Look if you want the truth that badly then you can have it! I’ve been trying to push you away .”

Bulkhead tilted his head to the side. “You’ve been trying to push me away ? Why? You said I didn’t….”

Arcee cut him off. “It’s not you Bulk it’s me. Let’s leave it at that.” She brushed her plating off and strolled towards him.

“Not so fast…”Bulkhead blocked her exit with his arm. “What’s really going on here Arcee. So far I’m not buying any of this.” His optics narrowed into a stern stare. The mech wasn’t going to let her skip off without telling him the truth.

Arms went into the air and Arcee let out huff of frustration. “Bulkhead I told you! Now do I literally have to push you away because I will!”

“You and I both know you couldn’t. Just tell me…why are you pushing me away?” Bulkhead tried not to look hurt. Arcee didn‘t respond. She looked to the side trying resiliently to keep the truth under wraps. Bulkhead broke the silence “I’m sorry.”

Arcee hung her helm for a moment. He was sorry? Arcee was the one who should be sorry. Now she could feel the guilt creeping up in her chest. “Don’t be sorry…” her voice was soft. “I don’t want….I don’t want anything to happen to you Bulkhead ok! Haven’t you noticed the trend? What I do to bots. My partners. Everybot I get close to…I lose. Tailgate…then Cliff.” She lifted her helm to gaze up at him with sincere eyes. “I just couldn’t live with myself if something was to happen to you because of me.” She paused and softened her stare. “I, you know, care about you too much. You probably think I‘m crazy don‘t you but it‘s true.”

Bulkhead opened his mouth to speak but halted. Instead he smiled and then leaned down to her height. He placed his hand on her shoulder and grasped her armor gently. “Cee, don’t be silly. Nothing is going to happen to me. It’s just a coincidence…an unfortunate one but…” He lifted his hand and stroked her cheek softly with his thumb. “You don’t have to push me away. Come on Arcee you aren’t afraid of anything. You‘re as strong as me and you know it.”

“Wait…” Arcee smirked. “You’re saying-”

“I’m saying don’t let something like that hang over your head. Especially when it‘s not true.” Bulkhead smirked back.

Arcee placed her hand over his and clutched his fingers tightly. “I really wouldn’t have been surprised if the moon came down with you ya know Bulk? You’re big enough to have your own orbit that‘s for sure.”

Bulkhead rolled his optics, “Oh yeah? Well then, guess I’ll just have to drag you into it!” Bulkhead wrapped his arms around her and tackled her to the ground. Arcee let out a soft squeak as Bulkhead pressed down on her smaller frame.

“Careful Bulk!” She said in a half laugh half warning tone.

“Heh, sorry….” Bulkhead laughed gently.

The two exchanged looks for a moment before drawing their faces close to each other. Arcee halved her optics and pressed her cheek to his. Bulkhead closed his optics momentarily and nuzzled her plating. He let out a satisfied groan and smiled.

“I didn’t take you for a cuddler Bulkhead.” Arcee nudged him gently and sat up.

Bulkhead opened one optic and tightly lassoed her waist. “Well it’s not something that comes up in a daily conversation Arcee.” Bulkhead ran his fingertips over her abdomen and she squirmed. “Hm? Hey! You’re ticklish aren’t you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Bulk I-No stop!” Arcee’s optics widened as she became a flailing defenseless mess in Bulkheads gripping grasp. She let out tormented chuckles as he pinned her there mercilessly tickling her petite form. “Bulkhead knock it off! I mean it! Don’t make me hurt you!” Her tone was harsh but the expression on her faceplate didn’t match. She smiled big clinging to his armor tightly. Letting down her strong outer defenses just for a moment.

“Sorry ‘Cee, what was that? You don’t want me to stop? You got it!” Bulkhead chuckled darkly and continued his onslaught as Arcee rolled over on her stomach trying to deflect his attack.

Arcee laughed and kicked him playfully in the chest plate, “STOP BULK!”

“Alright alright!” He chuckled and released her sitting back with a grunt.

Arcee rose to her knees. With her hands at her hips she gave him a stern look. “Try that again and you’re toast. I mean it Bulkhead.”

Bulkhead gave her a nod of acknowledgement. “I’ll try to remember that. I can’t make any promises though Arcee.” The larger mech stood up and looked down at her.

Arcee stood up with him and let out a soft sigh. “Thank you Bulkhead this means a lot to me.” she smiled cautiously as her optics turned up to gaze at him.

Bulkhead smiled back. “Everything will be fine. You’ll see. I….I should get back to Miko. She’s probably already gotten herself into some sort of trouble.”

“Knowing Miko, she’s gotten herself into trouble at least three times.” Arcee paused and walked past Bulkhead towards the exit. She stopped and with a twist she glanced over her shoulder. Bulkhead smiled and stared at her with bright optics. “Don’t let her get you into too much trouble big guy but if she does…” Arcee stepped up to him and craned her neck up. “I’ll come get ya out of there.” She leaned in and placed a kiss on his armor. With a smirk Arcee turned her back and left the room.

“You got it…Arcee.” Bulkhead relaxed his shoulders. He felt optimistic about where this might go. Arcee was an interesting femme to say the least. What she saw in him he wasn’t really sure. Then again he wasn’t really sure what he saw in her. Bulkhead did know that he was going to cherish that kiss no matter how brief it was. He ran his fingertip over the spot Arcee had graced before leaving the room.


fanfic, arcee, tfp, transformers prime, tf: prime, bulkhead

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