Icons from Episode #10 "Deus Ex Machnia"

Mar 23, 2011 19:38

 Lateness again xD For some reason I kept thinking I posted these already and then I realized I hadn't. I'm so weird like like. Anywho, here have some icons.



More after the cut <3 


















This episode was pretty awesome. I mean Knock Out hello hello! xD  Oh please tell me I wasn't the only one who was amused when Bee and Arcee crashed into eachother!

Feel free to use these as bases or for whatever you wish.
Please credit kapricia 
And plz don't hotlink :3

arcee, bumblebee, breakdown, agent fowler, ratchet, transformers prime, tf: prime, jack, transformers, tfp, optimus prime, icons, knockout, miko, bulkhead

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