Oh Japan....

Mar 11, 2011 13:30

Keep the country and its people in your prayers. And the surrounding countries and anyone else who was affected. I wasn't expecting to see something like this on the news when I woke up this morning. To be honest I read about it last night on yahoo but of course nothing was really known, at least to the extent of damage.  Now that I'm watching CNN, my god...as if the quake wasn't enough they have the tsunami, the fires and now the problem with the nuclear power plant. Please keep Japan in your prayers. I pray that missing family members get found safely and that the world comes together to help effectively.

Thanks to yahoo I found some links to donate to, so if you would like to help too you can do so here: news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_newsroom/20110311/wl_yblog_newsroom/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-how-to-help

japan relief

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