Kappy's Tips to Loving Yourself & Being Happy!

Mar 25, 2011 00:22

I felt inspired to write a little about this! I notice a lot of good friends going through some hard times right now, and I just want to extend a bit of advice I've come to terms with.. personally :)

These are things that have played a huge part in my own life the last few years.. and I have to say, they've all brought such joy into my life... I can't help but share!
These are simply my own conclusions, and I'm hardly looking to demand anyone to do these. These are simply options you can take to heart if you chose :)

Kappy's Tips to Loving Yourself & Being Joyful

1: Under no circumstance should you feel shame for who and what you are.
If you are bringing positive influences into your life by your own choices, under no circumstance should you feel shame for your interests. Your personality as a whole is compiled of traits and tips from those you admire.. Why should you be ashamed of any of it? If there are traits you are honestly ashamed of in yourself, do some serious reconsideration as to where they originate from, and why you are keeping them. Your life and self are in your hands, don't ever sacrifice that control.

2: Never rely on someone else to love you, in lieu of loving yourself.
This is a piece of age old advice that most people overlook so quickly... You cannot fully love anyone without learning to love yourself, first. Do not rely on anyone else to feel good about who you are, or to justify that you are loved or can be loved. You deserve everything you bring into your life... Cherish it only as you cherish yourself.

3: Look at yourself, and love yourself.
You have been given the greatest gift of all, a vessel in which you can experience life through, physically. You would not be able to do this if it wasn't for the parts of you that you may even despise. Look at yourself in the mirror, and thank the parts of you that help you get by. "If I didn't have these legs, no matter what size or shape they are, I wouldn't be able to walk". That alone is a gift most have taken from them or are never blessed with.. Do not take any of yourself for granted.

4: Concern yourself less of your appearance, and more of how you come off energetically.
Your appearance only plays into a very small portion of how people interpret you. Your demeanor plays a much stronger role in how those around you feel around you. So what do you do that shows people Who You Are? What can you change to better help demonstrate how you truly feel?

5: Be true to yourself, no matter how much you don't want to hear it.
Sometimes what we need to hear the most are things we refuse to listen to.. especially when it comes to ourselves. Don't suppress thoughts or decisions that may make you uncomfortable, as the fact that they cause discomfort in the first place indicates something needs to be addressed. Lying to yourself will benefit nobody.. especially Your Self. Listen to yourself, offer as equal opportunity for consideration of anything as you would your best friend.

6: If it doesn't make you feel good about yourself, you might want to reconsider.
If you are actively involved in an aspect of your life that consistently upsets, disrupts, or separates things you love and care for (yourself included), offer some serious reconsideration as to why you are doing this in the first place. If you feel it is beneficial to you either now or in the long run, consider how you can address the issues that are bringing you negativity. It is all in your control.

7: Enjoy the simple pleasures.
One will never be able to fully enjoy the amazing things in life, without first seeking amazing qualities the most mundane of places. Everything on this earth has a piece of magic to give you to, what are you passing up? Who is to say a nice long walk through a forest dense with dew isn't as fulfilling or rejuvenating as going to spa for a day? Everything is what you make of it.

8: Share, Help, and Love Others.
If you've reached a point in your life where you can support yourself enough to support others, share your joy! Share your love! The absolute best things in life are shared with those you love, do it now! Tell someone how you feel about them.... Share something you love with someone you barely know... Help someone do something that takes either a moment of your time, or a day of your life! Helping others selflessly brings joy and goodness into the lives of everyone involved. Don't keep it to yourself, unless you truly feel you need to!

9: Do what you love, when you want to do it!
We live in a world that calls for dedication to tasks that exceed our true desire. If you feel as if you're sacrificing something you love for something you don't, take a look at your schedule and try to arrange some more "you" time. This may call for choices to stop doing idle tasks that kill time (refreshing your internet pages, channel flipping, or even masturbating if it's become a routine) in order to make more time for things that stimulate and fulfill you. If you play when you want to play, you will discover the desire to work as well. Keep a healthy balance between work, errands, your casual time, (tv, computer, crafts, etc) and your You Time (time to consider/ponder questions like these.. Or to meditate, pray, or anything you find beneficial). If this calls for an alteration to your sleep schedule, consider waking up earlier every day. 10 or 15 minutes difference each day can turn into hours of time you slept through before. Suddenly now you have that much more time to get chores out of the way, or do a little playing if you feel like it instead of chores. Do what your heart tells you.

10: Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life!
This life is here for you, and you only. Take advice only as advice, not demand. Consider all possibilities (even those you don't want to consider), and take control of your life. If you don't agree with something, give it thought, and let it go. If it comes back, consider it once again with a new perspective (as it wouldn't come back if it wasn't to be considered again), and allow it to offer you valuable insight. If nothing can be gained from it, once again, let it go. Don't hold on to anything that isn't helping you.

... and above all, Follow Your Heart.
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