Title: Beautiful Words (But Actions Speak Louder) [Part 1 of 3]
crazygorgeous13 Fandom: Greek
Pairing: Cappie/Casey
Rating: PG-13, all very tame.
Spoilers: Everything up until the Season 2 (Chapter 4) Finale, and then it's speculation based on preview video.
Summary: An expansion on the last couple of minutes of the finale, and then what happens afterwards.
Disclaimer: I don't own Greek, or the characters in any way, nor do I make any money from this. I am simply borrowing from ABC Family and Patrick Sean Smith to have fun. Title credit goes to the Plain White T's song "Friends Don't Let Frends Dial Drunk".
A/N: This is my first time writing for Cappie and Casey, and my first attempt at a multi chapter fic, so I thought I'd keep it short with just three chapters. I wasn't planning to break where I did but it just felt right, so it's shorter than I thought it would be. Un beta-ed, so concrit welcome, and comments are love.
This is what loving her did to him. In that moment, her eyes trained on him, Cappie couldn’t remember why he needed to say no.