Oct 28, 2008 02:13
i know that for everyone my age its our first presidential election we get to vote in and is a historic one too. as election day draws closer, people are getting excited to vote and have their voice heard. but there is one thing that i cant stand more than anything right now.....
support your candidate. but dont publicize it so much and try to pursuade people to vote the way you are because you are so into it. i can think of a couple good friends of mine who are crazy on the obama bandwagon. they seem like the people whose lives would be complete if they were ever to meet him. one isnt that bad about it, and quietly supports obama whether its by wearing a shirt or helping out with the campaign. thats what normal people would do. they took it a step further, by changing their last name on their facebook to obama. thats a little too much. i love this person to death and have had a friendship with them since kindergarten, but personally i think they went too far. they even have a whole wall in their room dedicated to obama with newspaper clippings and such an even a framed voter registration recipt thing.
support your candidate, dont obsess over them.
another friend had recently changed their middle name to hussein on their facebook to go along with some weird fucking trend that is going on. i find it fucking weird and stupid. their latest facebook status update even said "....is so psyched for nov. 4!!!!" after which i told them to calm down. thats taking it too far.
support your candidate, dont obsess over them.
this might sound like im bashing obama in the days coming up to the election. but im not. i have cast my absentee ballot for barack obama to become the president of the united states. i didnt make a big deal about it. i went along my usual business and any normal human being should too.
its our first big election to be a part of, but lets not make a big deal about it. just be sure to vote, if you dont, then you cant complain about anything going on in the country for the next 4 years.
support your candidate. dont obsess over them.
big issues and how i voted:
pres; obama
1a: yes
4: no
8: no