Liveblogging the finale!
Yay, "Rhapsody in Blue"!
Product placement! And that's how they afforded it. I was wondering how they'd get that nice of a hotel.
Yep, that's what Puck would do. Rachel! Kurt! Brittany! I'm just grinning a lot right now.
Wow, April got funding that fast?
I've heard this song, and I'm so disappointed they cut all the thinly-veiled cunnilingus references from the show version.
Rachel's outfit really makes me think Mary Tyler Moore. And also That Girl. Fun song. I love all the girls' outfits, really. Brittany's pants in particular, though. Kind of a lame act break, though.
I like Will's song, and I get the whole cross-promotion thing with his album, but damn, I really wish he was singing a Broadway number. He's on Broadway! It's a great excuse.
Is this a dream sequence, or a real one? I guess it's real. They need to write songs!
Oh, Kurt is gonna kill Rachel for getting to see Patti LuPone and him not. (Ha, and Rachel said pretty much the opposite thing.)
How can they keep a straight face? I cracked up when I saw Puck with an accordion.
Finn, it's New York City at night! You can't let her run off by herself! (I don't think I'm watching this love story "correctly," am I? ;) ) I guess I'm going to have to hope they're like half a block from the hotel.
Eee I've been waiting for the Breakfast at Tiffany's part! They're adorable. "Bring him along. He'll be great if we need to move anything heavy." Yay! Thank you way too nice security guy to be real!
Weirdly enough, I haven't heard anything from "Wicked" besides what's been on Glee. I've read the book, and I know that the musical doesn't cover nearly all of the book. Still, I just can't see how you turn that book into a musical. I like seeing how important it is to these two characters, though, and the odd couple somewhat fractious friends dynamic fits for them. I do see why a lot of people were hoping they'd save this for a graduation song, though. But I guess they wanted the Broadway theatre more.
Yay for Rachel/fame. I love this Quinn-Santana showdown. How far has Santana come since last year, willing to fight for ND?
Yay, Goolsby! I love how he always has the Bluetooth. I gotta admit, the Will/Broadway thing was always going to be a lame "cliffhanger"/story, unless he picked Broadway.
So they really do have 50? I didn't think they would. But I do like how they
This girls' choir is really, really funny. I mean yes, they're really good, but the white dresses with it are lolworthy.
Where's Jesse?
Charice is actually doing much better acting-wise. (Although having to get yourself deported to escape a show choir? Really?) I'm happy they're doing some cool dancing even for a ballad. I look forward to VA's troupe of professional dancers.
So, in Glee's grand tradition of almost never getting the trifecta of plot, humor, and outstanding music all in one episode, I'd say this is a plot episode. (Also WTF Justin Bieber has a fragrance?? And I keep hearing Brittany in that bing commercial about feeding the biting toucan.)
Are we ever going to find out how they wrote these songs? They just magically happened last night? I'm kinda done with this concept if they're not going to actually really use it.
I like the outfits this time--JESSE! There you are! Back to the clothes. I like the dress. I think they should lose this whole sock thing, though. Just go with character pumps. I kind of like this song. It's not great, but I'm all right with it.
Why did they stop the music? That's...weird. You just keep going when weird things happen.
Okay, this song I hate. I don't even get to the point of evaluating the lyrics because there's so.much.autotute. I like the choreography mostly.
Lord Tubbington gets a t-shirt!! :) Aww, Jesse, wait a put a damper on things the way only you can. I don't think they're going to fail to make the showcase just because of the kiss. I think they're just among really, really good competition (and also Finn, they don't rank you at this point--it's a pass/fail thing). Then again, I also think the *crickets* was a huge overreaction, even if it made the audience confused and uncomfortable.
Haaa, Santana! I really like how Kurt handled things so well. AHHH Sam and Mercedes are adorable! And Blaine and Kurt are cute too! And I love the continuity on the theme parks and the royal wedding.
"Weird stuff happens like that in families." Yep, Brittany, I've been waiting to hear that. Brittany's speech is just all-around good.
I do like that Finn puts things in perspective, even if it's not exactly without his own vested interest. Something doesn't have to be forever to be good.
They got 12th? That's AWESOME, guys! You should be so, so proud of that!
I didn't really like this episode. It just kind of left me cold, even though there were individual bits I liked a lot. I don't know, I think it's a problem when the competition in a competition episode is rather lackluster. It's kind of like what Goolsby said: ND spent their time being all aglow about being in NYC and not really thinking about the competition. The emphasis in the episode itself showed and made the tension wonky and deflate. Oh well. See you next year, Glee!