Series Title: Companion Pieces
Segment Title: After the Good-Night Kiss
Author: kappamaki33
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dee, Gaeta
Pairings: I suppose it could be Dee/Gaeta if you really squint, but I lean more towards Dee, Gaeta. Dee/Billy and Dee/Lee in the background.
Series Summary: A series of mirror-images. Likely to be some angst.
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Comments 16
Nicely done,
I love this. For some reason, I've also got the impression that although Dee and Felix were very close, they really had their moments of... well, when you're stuck in such close proximity under so much stress for so long, you're bound to drive each other crazy. Plus, since everyone's life sucked, you can't always be there every time a friend has a crisis, because you're probably going through your own.
But I love this portrayal of the rough edges in their friendship at times, with the deeper undercurrent of a very strong love for each other. No wonder Felix went over the edge when he lost Dee. She really was such an anchor for him. ::sniff::
Looking forward to more!
Felix's drunk little proposal made me smile, because I have a friend with whom I've made a similar joking deal, but it's so full of angst, because Dee's "who wants to live that long?" just reminds us that neither of them get to.
Yep, there was a bit of foreshadowing there (or aftershadowing, since we already know they die? Anyway...). It is sad that they don't get the chance to be old and gray and have to worm their way out of their deal.
Thanks for reading!
What is it with me and getting Felix drunk or high? I've written him high as a kite and philosophical on morpha, so drunk he'd strip in public, and now so drunk he'd propose marriage (sort of) to a woman with one sort-of-boyfriend who's barely been dead long enough for his body to be cold and another sort-of-boyfriend who could break Felix in two when he emerges from sickbay. I don't know, but it's fun. :)
Thank you!
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