TV Meme and Fic Talk

Jul 07, 2010 20:34

TV Meme

Figured I'd better get close to finishing this up before I start the book meme.

Day 23 - Most annoying character


Let's not even talk about this one.

Day 24 - Best quote

Malcolm Reynolds: “My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.”

If you have to force me to pick one Joss Whedon-show quote, I think this one is it. ;)

Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
I have a few...

Mad Men

Everyone raves about it. Plus, awesome 50's/60's styles, and Saffron kicking ass as a secretary!


I was waiting to see how the ending turned out. I don't know what happened, but everyone's reaction seems to be: "Did it make sense? Not really. Does that bother me? Not really." Good enough for me.


I watched the miniseries-pilot and liked it, but just never got around to watching the series. Now, with all the great Sam Adama fic going around, I really need to catch up.

Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season final
BSG, Season 1

Even knowing what happened, this still left me shocked. It left my mom really shocked--so shocked she called me and instead of saying "hi," immediately said "SHE SHOT HIM!" without any preamble about the fact that she was talking about a TV show and not, say, the neighbors.

Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Dead Like Me

I think it's really hard to make a pilot that does the double-duty of introducing the characters, premise, and themes of a show, and yet also gives you a feel for what the episodes will be like on a week-to-week basis. This one is one of the few that managed both, I think. And, it started out with a girl being killed by a stray toilet seat hurtling towards Earth. That mix of absurd humor and pathos was the show's hallmark.

Day 28 - First TV show obsession
Care Bears

I immediately started singing the songs as soon as I went hunting for pics. :) My favorite episodes were the ones that were spoofs of Star Trek and the prehistoric ones. Grumpy was by far my favorite Bear.

Also, I'm sitting here waiting not-so-patiently for the start of bsg_pornbattle . I don't have anything written (yet), but I hope some of you out there are already typing away. I did have one idea for sort of-but-not-really Gaeta/Hoshi/Narcho, but then I realized I subconsciously lifted the plot and even some lines I was thinking of using almost verbatim from this:

image Click to view

(If you're wondering what this is, it's Brothers and Sisters, a nighttime soap on ABC. Some kind soul picked the show apart so you can watch just the Scotty and Kevin parts online. I did. I'm now tempted to watch the whole series, even though I'm not a soapy person at all, or at least maybe watch the new season when it comes. Apparently I have a thing for slightly dorky gay men with dark, curly hair, especially when they finally pick nice guys to fall in love with? (Also? If you want to die from adorableness, watch their proposal. Scotty's "Because I changed the light bulbs?" is about as cute as a passel of baby turtles.))

Anywho, I'm in the mood for a good old fashioned pornbattle.

I've started writing my fic exchange fic, though. Yay! My attempts at keeping it short didn't work. I'm hoping my attempts at keeping it in the neighborhood of 5K words will. My other two long fics are on a little bit of a hold while I get this one closer to finished.

Ooh, but I should do some more ficlets for my meme tonight! Gah, I'm torn! I'll figure out something. Or I'll obsessively hit the refresh button until the pornbattle prompt thing is up...
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