Title: Monster
kappamaki33Characters: Hoshi, Cain, Gina, Gaeta, 2 OCs
Pairing: Gaeta/Hoshi, Cain/Gina
Summary: I’m mean.
Rating: Definitely R.
Warnings! Violence, torture, talk of and aftermath of rape
Notes: For
geekbynight’s prompt, Felix is the Pegasus Cylon prisoner. I mean, that’s bound to get dark, but yikes. I feel like I need a nightlight. Not
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Comments 18
Oh, my god. Gina is my favorite Six and Felix my favorite male character on BSG. :-(
Wow, this was brutal. When you are hoping that Hoshi kills Felix, when that actually seems merciful? Whoa.
I might have more to say later. I'm still at 'whoa' right now.
Wow, this was brutal. When you are hoping that Hoshi kills Felix, when that actually seems merciful? Whoa.
I know. I almost wanted to let him do it, to go for the happier (yikes) ending.
Thanks for reading, even though it got so pitch black.
Somehow it's worse when it's Louis than when it's Cain. I think it's because Cain (at least outwordly) so firmly established that Gina was a thing, where Louis was still thinking of him as Felix. That makes it so much more terrible.
Man. This left me a bit shaky. And I can't help but wonder- did this Felix know? Was he in on it the whole time? And the fact that I don't know just adds to the effect.
This was painful, and awful, and well-written.
All I can say is I really, really hope this Felix did know what he was, even though that only makes things marginally less painful. I know when I was writing, I was thinking he was aware like Gina, but I still couldn't help but think, "But he's Felix! Cavil must have tricked him into genocide or something!" It's just so hard to think of the Felix we know and love as a cover layered on top of some "real," bloodthirsty Felix, you know?
Thanks for reading!
Yes! This is exactly what I was going for, and what fascinated me enough to take the prompt in this direction. I think the people who could cleanly embrace that disconnect and doublethink, plus the ones like Rimes (and Gage and Vireem) who were just too simple to see the tension, were the ones who could sleep at night on the Pegasus. The ones like Hoshi, who tried to reconcile the two irreconcilable ideas behind the torture, nearly drove themselves mad with guilty and shame and anger.
Thanks so much for reading!
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Thanks so much for reading and prompting, and I'm glad you found it interesting!
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