Title: The Fine Art of Bartering
kappamaki33 Characters: Ensemble, featuring Lee, Gaeta, Kara, Dee, Skulls, Racetrack, Crashdown, and Boomer
Rating: Maybe PG-13 for language and innuendo?
Summary: Bridge bunnies, Viper jocks, and Raptor wranglers form a delicate alliance to achieve a vital common goal. Kinda crackish.
Notes: You know how there are
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I'm glad you mentioned baby formula, too. It always bugged me that Chief gave Nicky a bottle later. (Although, I take that back. Cally's milk probably dried up when she was in detention (or at least it played havoc on her supply) and it was probably pumped from someone else.) But still.
And I LOVE Dee upping the bridge bunny cut!!!!
You can make it out of soy, too, which means you could probably make it out of algae, but ugh.
(It really does smell awful, though. Toby refused to nurse, and I hated nursing Trevor, so I fed it to both my boys, and ugh. I do not miss bottles!!)
Yeah, Gaeta is so uptight in the beginning and not used to walking into situations like that he'd make a really easy target for the pilots. And when you're dating somebody named Hamish...you're just kind of asking for it. ;)
And then there's Dee, whom everybody knows not to mess with already. :)
Were you the person who said "there are no cows in space?" I couldn't remember where that was from, but I did remember the statement when I was trying to think up things they shouldn't have but do.
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