Title: The Patron Saint of Lost Causes
Characters: Hoshi, Narcho, Adama, Tigh, Lee, Racetrack, Helo, and though Gaeta isn't present, he's still a major part of the story
Rating: PG-13, for one gruesome line
Summary: What happens when even hope is gone? Reflections on Raptor 718's disappearance.
Notes: Thank you to my betas,
puszysty and
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Narcho throwing out his back is one of my favorite bits, especially because of the weird way it came about. Mostly, I needed some reason for Narcho to be around to give Hoshi advice but not to be able to pilot the Raptor. I thought about putting him on the baseship and having him injured at the Hub or when the Centurions rounded up folks during the hostage crisis, but having it just be something as prosaic as throwing out his back just worked so well.
I found that I really liked writing Saul, especially with the role-reversal that he and Adama did at this point. I wonder if I'd like writing Saul as much during his Season 1 and 2 not-so-sober phases. What's weirdest, though is the only way I feel like I can get into Adama's head is via Saul. And even though I'm not sure much of anything would've turned Adama around at this point, I did like being able to slip just a sliver of hope that maybe he could bounce back--that that sliver happened to come from him chastising himself for forgetting to be a Gaeta/Hoshi shipper was fortuitous...
Oh, Lee. I felt like I was being a little hard on him, but I guess if it's a legitimate criticism of the character's flaws and blind spots, then it's not really mean-spirited or bashing. But yeah, I do think Lee isn't very good at handling what happens after fights, whereas I get the feeling that, with as much crap as they have to deal with, Louis and Felix would *have to* get good at that if they wanted to make it.
Anyway, that's a really long-winded response that really just means, I'm so happy you liked it! ;)
is this line:
Cavil will dissect her like a science project. He’ll cut her up into little pieces to try to figure out how she works. There will be nothing but pieces for us to find.
From canon, or yours? I don't have the 4.5 DVDs yet, and I just wanted to check.
Here's the actual dialogue from the "Daybreak":
Helo: It's really happening. We're going after her.
Athena: Or what's left of her. Cavil's probably had her sliced and diced and cut into a thousand specimens.
Helo: Stop it! Just...stop it, okay? She's still alive, and she's still out there. And we're gonna get her, and everything's gonna be all right.
Athena: It's not gonna be all right, Karl.
Helo: No. You're wrong. You're wrong.
Hope that helps!
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