Title: The Patron Saint of Lost Causes
Characters: Hoshi, Narcho, Adama, Tigh, Lee, Racetrack, Helo, and though Gaeta isn't present, he's still a major part of the story
Rating: PG-13, for one gruesome line
Summary: What happens when even hope is gone? Reflections on Raptor 718's disappearance.
Notes: Thank you to my betas,
puszysty and
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Narcho's realization he didn’t have anybody left that he’d go off on a mad, hopeless mission for anymore just killed me, because by the end that described nearly all of them. Because really going after Hera felt like a last hurrah that they'd never win. I suspect that they all expected to die on the mission and then they won (sort of).
The heartbreak of Season 4.5 was that in many ways Gaeta and Zarek were the only two who died still themselves and true throughout (however, tragically) to what they believed. I think that's why Gaeta ended up being my favorite character - whatever shit happened - he stayed true to himself.
I completely agree that everyone saw the mission to go after Hera as a suicide mission. I really like trying to find reasons why people would cross that line to go on that mission--yes, Hera is a cute kid with a destiny, but they've lost people before and not gone after them. It ended up feeling to me like Hera became the surrogate for all those people left behind, for all those people like Narcho who didn't personally have anybody left.
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