Series Title: Culture Shock
Chapter Title: Religion(Kara and Romo), 6/12
Chapter 1) (
Chapter 2) (
Chapter 3)(
Chapter 4) (
Chapter 5)
kappamaki33Rating: PG-13 (for language--and not just "frak")
Characters: Ensemble
Summary: Crack. Starbuck's magic Viper needle leads the Fleet to modern-day Earth. And the Colonials thought learning to live with the Cylons
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Comments 10
And apparently, its sacraments all involved coffee.
and this
“Frak, first the harbinger of death, and now I’m a frakking mermaid…”
Romo looked at her over his glasses and smiled. “So, should we sue them for commercial appropriation of your name and celebrity identity, or try to get an endorsement deal?”
Is official 1) my cats think I'm crazy and 2) need resuscitation after dying from laughing :D
This is so funny!!!!
I know that the Starbuck=Starbucks Coffee connection is too obvious and has probably been done a lot before, but I'm glad you enjoyed my take on it.
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Oh, I just love Romo. And he *would* find a way to work any absurd situation to his benefit, wouldn't he? ;)
Have I told you how much I love this series??
I'm happy you're enjoying it so much. I'm having such a blast writing it!
AHAHAHA. From the very start this slays me! Maybe they should move to the Netherlands and try their luck there. ;)
“I’ve heard that ordering a drink with more than two adjectives sort of calls my masculinity into question, but I can’t help it. The entertainment factor of seeing these kids try to remember all that rubbish makes the risk worthwhile.”
Even as a former Starbucks employee, this is too entertaining for me to even hate him for it. xD
And oh, how Starbucks coffee should not be brewed in a drip... It's made specifically to be French-pressed, and then it's actually quite good, but I agree, I'm not a fan of it straight-up like that. Especially not the bold flavors.
Ok, um, Starbucks employee rant done, this is awesome. Kara and Romo out at Starbucks... It is a pity this isn't canon.
Now that I know you're a former Starbucks employee, question: I've always wondered, do people actually order drinks that complicated? And if they do, do you actually make them that complicated, or do you just get close and figure they won't be able to taste the difference anyway, with that many flavors bouncing around in there?
Confession-time for me: I don't actually like coffee. I always order the chocolately, non-coffee drinks at Starbucks, so I have no idea what the coffee tastes like, and even if I did, I'd have no way of telling whether it was good or not. So, I mean absolutely no offense to Starbucks--Starbuck's reaction is that way just because that's what the joke called for. ;)
Thanks so much for reading!
I didn't like coffee until I started working at Starbucks. ;) There are actually a number of people who aren't a fan of brewed Starbucks coffee, including Starbucks employees. French press just makes coffee taste better. :)
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