Jan 12, 2011 15:26
Last Monday one of the guards at work read my palms. Upon giving her my palms, she reacted quite violently because she said that my hands barely had lines. With great difficulty, she managed to make something out of the creases anyways.
She informed me that I was a master of disguises. I could seem happy on the outside and I could be smiling, but on the inside I'd be feeling an entirely different emotion. She also added that I could do this with extreme ease. She said that in terms of money and career, I would prosper here in the Philippines, especially in positions of leadership. Going overseas for work would result in something normal (I'll neither be rich nor poor.) In terms of love, she said that someone is trying to get back to me but I should think twice about marrying him (with all due reason, I never want to go back to any of my exes). She also told me that I'm bound to have another beau before I get married and that she can't read where I'm going to meet my husband. As for children, two to three children.
Don't you wish the future was as certain and easy to write as is it to read on your palm?