Long time I didn't play translating )))

Jul 13, 2014 03:28

Now I've tried to continue the experiments. I don't know what I made, I don't understand enough... If you found any mistake in the texts, please, help me to correct it.

[Without you...]

Without you...

The clean new leaf is like white flag...
I never wrote to you.
All our bridges had been burned.
It's so overdue.
The same Sun shines without you,
its beams are so hot,
the same skies are deep and blue,
and seas changed not a jot.
All is the absolutely same
as usual, simply, used...
But never I forget your name
and there is no ruse.
My side of fortune is seamy,
too lone in the issue.
This retribution stays with me.
For me. Without you...

trying t☺ translate myself, crazy n☺tes, ☁☽⁂, в порядке бреда, my poems

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