my another attempt to translate my rhymes...

Jun 08, 2012 21:25

... again from the story of the White Knight, because I can't translate Drop or other my rhymes those have compound layers of meanings. Now I don't know how it might be possible to translate such rhymes ☺

[The purport]                  The purport

Tell me why does such a bustle need
if everything will have this only end?
Each our miracle will have be hackneyed
And never any broken world will mend.

Fresh juicy fruit will change to foul dust.
Some slime will hide the surface of the Spring.
The time erase all lines of Earth's crust.
The Weird Sister has cut any string.

Every sunrise comes only to sunset
as formerly all roads led in Rome.
All our life is universe's vignette
and our souls vainly ask their home.

So each of deaths is fated from above.

But I believe. I hope. And I love!

If You found any mistake in the text, please, help me to correct it.

trying t☺ translate myself, crazy n☺tes, мои стихи, my poems

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