Sep 08, 2006 07:36
Hey, (wow, I just involuntarily typed "Hey" when I meant to type "yeah" I think I'll keep it, and start fresh with a new sentence, because that's kinda weird.) I haven't been posting much lately. (Sorry Keira!)
BUT! That's not to say that a lot hasn't been happening. I've simply been more diligent with my analogue versus the blog. (*kinda* rhymes...)
Also, I can't seem to switch to RICH TEXT mode anymore. Is there a link hiding somewhere? Maybe it's because of Gustav. I love my darling new MacBook, but he can be a bit fussy.
Oh, well. That's a price I'll willingly [have my Dad] pay to be able to have such fun and fancy extra Garage Band, which is pretty darn sweet. If I had a keyboard hookup, it'd be intensely sweeter, but right now I'm content to settle with karaoke. (I have a new single of "My Humps" out on iTunes! XD )
Speaking of humps keyboards, I had a super nightmare last night...I somehow thought I could play piano, and auditioned for the part of accompanist for this ethnic choir here. And then, just as I was about to play, I remembered I didn't really now how, but I was the only one they had, so I pretty much had to at least give it a shot. Luckily, it was pretty simple stuff I could pull off...unluckily, despite how simplistic it was, I still sucked.
Ah, madness.
Well, the good thing about my morning Yoga Booty Ballet (yeah, laugh as much as you want, I'm not too proud.) is that my abs are getting pretty muscular...and I think I'm dropping some weight. But the weird thing is, I haven't lost any inches anywhere but my bust area, and I think that's just because gravity is causing some areas to be a little stretched out. ;_;
Oh, well. Lack of grocery funds should probably aid me in my quest for fitness.
So today I have to go to Art History discussion group (I should be reviewing that a little now), then Human Sexuality, and then laundry. I should also probably hit up the Library to read the chapters for Painting and get that over with...and then maybe to work on some homework. I know that I'm to go to the mall with Jen and Ed later in the afternoon, but I probably won't buy anything. It looks like I'll have a bit of time to just doodle around and hopefully get some homework done.
I have to say I'm a little worried about my portfolio. I mean, I need a mad amount of drawings, but this particular drawing class we're taking right now...not very good portfolio prep. What am I going to do?! It's not as if I have a wealth of time to squeeze in extra-curricular drawing projects on the side! ::whiiiine:: I don't even know who to ask about this sort of thing. And it's not like there were any other options for drawing classes to take, at any rate.
Oh, well (x2). I guess things will unravel/come together as they happen. I only hope I'm not forced into suicide. EMO!