Oh, oh, oh, oo-woah-oo-woah-oh

May 24, 2006 20:31

Yo, minna! Ah. Well, home is a very nice place to be right now. I've been incredibly lazy, and it's fabulous. But I have been trying to drink lots of H2O and work out in order to shrink myself.

Ugh...that dasypygal, spodogenous mass of bodewash (I've always wanted to use those words in a sentence) that cohabitates in this house with us is being stupid again.  I sometimes very often wish that I had a giant peel of duct tape I could just yoink out of hammerspace and slap onto his saprostomous trap.

Anyhoo, I'm watching the American Idol finale right now. I def like Lisa, a lot. I'm really glad I didn't watch much of this show, though, because I'dve been real sore about her not making it. I think I only saw, like, two episodes before the previous four, and I remember wanting Taylor to win. And I'm still hardcore Taylor fan--it's about time a white guy won, and I'm not afraid to say it. (Also, I'll be painfully honest. I don't want there to be another famous "KathArine!") That Kevin dude, from Lindenhurst? Uh-uh. Cute, but I remember him trying to pull off the, "I'm-the-next-Michael-Buble`" thing, and I was like, um, no. ...Or maybe that was the redhead from last season? Yeah, that redheaded dude--I remember him from my All-State choir. I don't think I met him, but I think I recognize his face in the Bass I section. It's funny how many of the contestants have been from Long Island--My neighbors are cousins of Constantine. Aaand, I think I'm going to cease this run-off of the pointless ways I am somehow connected to American Idol, because no one, least of all me, cares.

Omg. The Artist formerly known as Prince just appeared. I now need to sell my soul to American Idol.

Well, I just bought four tickets for their summer tour. But now that I've shelled out $200 for Mom, Krissie, Mr. Bodewash and me to go see them, Taylor BETTER win.

Alrighty, I'm gonna just say good night and I'll update more in the future. OH! Before I forget, 
hoskie ! You and Yossa-kun need to come over tomorrow for Battle Royale. And I have some questions about the ending of House...I was a little confused.

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