It's been a while again

Dec 04, 2010 09:04

So after the disappointment of the Call Quality fiasco - and also not getting Level B either - it took a fair while for me to bounce back to my best.

One positive, though, was a 100% call I received. Needless to say, given my interests, it was a call which featured a customer travelling overseas and in which I was able to give all sorts of useful information that (according to Call Quality) nobody else even knows at the bank.

The other big positive, aside from the fact that it's nearly Christmas, has been that Donna and all the powers that be are working overtime to find me some kind of analytical job at the bank. Not talking to customers, just working to improve what we do.
Next Tuesday, in fact, I'll spend half an hour chatting with one of the people who works as a liaison between "Operations" ("Head Office", basically) and the Centre. She rarely talks to rank-and-file bankers, so that means something in itself.
I was also told just yesterday that there's a 6-week secondment coming up in the new year working in "Policy and Procedure" (basically simplifying both). I believe I'm the only person from the Centre being put forward...

In other news, the new desktop software at work launches next week. Any Westpac customers out there should get a really interesting new experience soon.

Also, the Christmas presents seem to be just about bought. The tally is as follows:
Krista: Done
Mum: Paid for, not collected
Kit: Ordered. Should be here next week
Simon: Ordered. No ETA as yet, but soon
Work Secret Santa: Done
My Secret Santa for Dad's Family: Done
Krista's Secret Santa for Dad's Family: Yet to be ordered, but we know what we're doing
Dad: Partly done
Mark: Under control
Cathryn: A couple of ideas
Krista's Family: A couple of ideas
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