I Could At Least Steal Something to Burn in Effigy, I Guess...

Aug 04, 2009 13:31

I've finally reached the point where I've decided to quit the laundromat by the end of the month whether I have something to replace it or not. Donald's most likely going to need me back at the theater around Labor Day so the end of Aug. makes sense.

Of course, this sends an odd question tumbling through my brain: Do I quit? Or do I get myself fired?

I've never done either before. Not even with Keeley's. I kept asking Mom if I should give Steve my notice, and she kinda waffled on it, then talked to him herself - which I was completely fine with. She probably handled it better than I would have, and she still had to work there.
The thing about getting fired? A few weeks ago, I thought I was doing the bare minimum, slightly half-assing it at times and occasionally being borderline rude to customers and deep inside wishing Lisa would come in one day and say "Renee, you're done" leaving me to say "Oh THANK you!" grab my stuff and bolt for the door.

Turns out that was all just my own rage at the job and personal dissatisfaction with my work. Laurie has no problems with me. Lisa has no problems with me. And Rene actually spent a few minutes talking me up to Lisa the last time she came in to discuss something with us. I hadn't been to any of the monthly CSR meetings because I had conflicts with the theater, and then once the season was over I made conflicts because I couldn't give a flying fuck. But the July one was a tour of the plant so Laurie told me "You really need to be at this one. I know you haven't been to any of them and we haven't said anything about it so far, because there haven't really been any problems with your work, but this one is kind of important." So I went.
So here I was thinking I just had to tip the scales a bit, and I could get myself fired, and it would be an interesting experience. Now it looks like I'd have to work at it a bit.
Or I could quit of course. But if I quit, do I give my two weeks, or do I go out in a blaze of glory? Do I wait for the next idiotic policy change, then shout "THAT'S IT! That's the LAST STRAW!" and walk out? Do I wait for Lisa to come in one day, then let her have it with both barrels how she's a manipulative disciplinarian who should just say what she fucking means? Do I craft a giant robot out of laundry flags one Mon. after my shift and put it on the counter with a sign in it's hands saying "Laundry Monkey Quit - I am her replacement" and LASERS IN IT'S EYES?

If only. See, in the end I am my mother's daughter. So as much as I would like to rain down bile and hellfire on the place, I probably won't. It would be an interesting experience, something fun to file away, and maybe pull out at parties or write into a story some time - and that's what keeps me thinking of it. But I know that would affect others. I know it could potentially cause harm. I know even if it was fun, and the biggest relief, a part of me would feel bad about it. So, most likely, I'll call Laurie sometime in the next week or two, and I'll say. "Hi, it's Renee. Uhm, I'm giving you my two weeks notice. August 30th will be my last day." and I'll do it before she's finished with the Sept. schedule so she'll still have time to cover me. Then I'll work out my last few shifts just as well as I've done the rest, maybe even better because I'll feel a bit lighter knowing there's an end in sight, and my only real question will be, how do I lock the door and hand in my key at the same time so I don't have to come back tomorrow? Because I am my mother's daughter, and that is the right thing to do.

And I don't even know where I would get lasers for it's eyes on my budget right now.
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