I love Oakhurst Dairy.
No, this is not about my addiction to milk; it's about the most fantastic advertisement for a job I have ever seen on jobsinme.com
Job Description Are you friendly, outgoing and a physically active? Can you be all of the above while wearing a large Acorn costume? If so, and you have a flexible schedule and reliable transportation, you can earn great pay while 'performing' one of the most enjoyable jobs in your life. Company Info Other Info
View Company Profile Oakhurst Dairy 364 Forest Ave
Portland, Maine 04101
http://www.oakhurstdairy.com Post on site:From 5/7/2009 until 5/30/2009 Categories:Arts, Entertainment, Media
Job Type:Regular Full/Part Time:Part Time - less than 20 hours Salary: Hourly Wage
$10.00 to $15.00 Job Requirements High School diploma preferred. Must be willing to work with children and have a positive, friendly demeanor, reliable, energetic, and physically active. Ability to be all of the above while wearing a large Acorn costume. Flexible schedule with some weekend and evening avaibility, reliable transportation and a valid driver's license for at least one year.
No fluff. No frills. Just: "Can you be cheerful if we make you into a big foam acorn?"
I love it.