May 21, 2006 14:27
HEEEELLLLLLLLOOOO everybody!!! Wassup? How are you ?
First of all, as I have said several times today... I am sorry sorry for the lack of communication in the last couple of months... to be totally honest i was adjusting to a new job, living with my boyfriend, and also then realizing the big burden of being in a crossroad in my life. Got a bit down and also joined Hogwarts Elite here in LJ which to be honest I didnt think would take up as much time as it does... I should have figured... but oh well!!! I am enjoying it, although, like with the Floo and updating my journal I feel that I have neglected it a bit. Or maybe the correct word is not neglect, but I feel I have fallen short a bit. I dont know!!! But I do know I want to try again, lets see what happens this time :) SSOO here I am...
My biggest issue and triumph at the moment has been the decision to go to Africa next year. I will work one year in this job like I promised I would and then I will go to Africa for a year. To do what? I am not 100% sure yet, and I dont think I will know 100% until I am there, but I want to do humanitarian work??? HMmmm well I want to be a volunteer of some sort, maybe in health, policy, maybe teaching. I am not sure, but I am confident that the right possibility will come my way. It is amazing how life brings the right people around you at the right time, you just have to be open to it, ask and look and suddenly, bam!!, its there.